Skills - Ruban Sivarajah's Resume

Ruban Sivarajah
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PC & PC Compatibles, Laptops (IBM, Compaq, Toshiba, HP) Printers, Scanners    
Network Protocols:         
TCP/IP, NetBEUI, IPX/SPX-Protocol, Novell IPX ODI Protocol, Client Server and Ethernet, RAS Server
Operating Systems:       
Windows 95/98/ME/XP/Vista/7/10, Windows Servers: NT to 2019, VMWare 6.7 and Novell 3.12/4.0, SharePoint Server 2007/2010/2013
MS Office 97 to 2016, Word Perfect, Adobe 9.0, Corel Draw 8.0, Norton Anti-Virus, Norton System Work’s, Pc Anywhere, Lap Link, Remote Desk Top
Internet Explorer, MS Outlook, Google Chrome, FireFox, Microsoft Personal Web Server, web designing, Personal FTP Server’s, MSN Messenger, ICQ
Technical Skills       
Have experience in various electrical meters and instruments, oscilloscope, Function generator, millimeter, power supplies and electronic simulation software, troubleshooting and configuring SharePoint Servers
Interest and Activities:
Surfing the Internet, Reading and learning about new technologies, also designing new circuit and analyzing with the help of the Electronic Simulation Software (Electronic Work Bench 5.0)
Volunteer Experience:
Volunteered to maintain PCs at Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute, Help neighbors, friends and relatives to setup their computers in person or over the phone or remotely
+1(416) 712-9894
+1(647) 666-9894 (fax)

1512-1 Rowntree Road
Toronto, Ontario
M9V 5G7. Canada
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